Scene Profiles…Brown Paper Dolls May 24, 2011October 18, 2011scenetvblog 2 Who are ‘Brown Paper Dolls’? How and why was it created? Brown Paper Dolls is made up of three ladies Asha Kamali May, [...]
Scene Profiles…Aml Ameen, Actor, Artistic Director (ASA Drama School) and Executive Producer (AmeenDream Entertainment) May 9, 2011scenetvblog 2 Please tell us a little about yourself and what you do? My name is Aml Ameen (Aml means ‘hope’ in Arabic). I’m British-born [...]
Scene Profiles…Laxmi Hariharan, Marketing and Research Director at NBC Universal Networks International May 7, 2011scenetvblog Comment Please tell us a little bit about yourself; what do you do and how did you get started? I am currently the Marketing [...]
Scene Profiles: Susan Younis – TV Producer / Director May 7, 2011November 12, 2015scenetvblog Comment Please tell us a little bit about yourself and what do you do. My name is Susan Younis and I am a TV [...]
Scene Profiles…Abby Ajayi, Scriptwriter May 7, 2011scenetvblog Comment Tell us a little bit about yourself; how are you involved in the television industry and what are some of your achievements? I’m [...]
Event Review: MediaGuardian Changing Media Summit April 4, 2011scenetvblog Comment I recently attended a two day media conference – The Guardian’s Changing Media Summit which looked at both the opportunities and challenges that we [...]
Event Review: The Royal Television Society Programme Awards March 16, 2011SceneTV Blog Comment On Tuesday 15th March, I was invited by The TV Collective to the b, a ceremony to celebrate and honour not only the [...]